Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Merits of Questioning Strategy:

       Request that students think and do rather than just remember
       Handling incorrect responses/no responses
       -be positive
       -rephrase the question
       -use neutral prompting 
       Support active, student-centered learning
       Facilitate inquiry-based learning
       Help students to construct knowledge
       Help students to develop problem-solving skills
       Improve long-term retention of knowledge
       Promote student learning
       Identify for the teacher the cognitive understanding of the student
       Build creative and inventive outcomes through a capacity for question finding
       Foster student meta-cognition 

 Demerits of Questioning Strategy:

        Time consuming.
       Minimum coverage of the context.
       Challenging for different kinds of learners.
       Calling students randomly maximizes incorrect response that discourages the std.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Questioning Strategy  

Concept: is any sentence which has an interrogative form or function. In classroom settings teacher questions are defined as instructional cues or stimuli that convey to students the contents to be learned and directions for what they are to do and how they are to do it.


  1. enhance understanding
  2. interactive/more participation
  3. to be conscious
  4. effective and efficient learning
  5. stimulate
  6. evaluation
  7. to gain students attention
  8. to maintain  flow of class
  9. to create a life long, independent learners who uses questioning as a tool to learn


  1. up to students' level
  2. logically sequenced
  3. know the background


  1. The literal level
  2. The inferential level
  3. The applied level
  4. Thinking time/wait time
  5. No hands questioning
  6. Basketball questioning 
  7. Conscripts and volunteers
  8. Phone a friend
  9. Hot seating
  10. Preview
  11. Pair rehearsal
  12. eavesdropping
  13. Big questions
  14. Fat questions
  15. Skinny question
  16. Seek a partial answer


  1. Socratic Questioning

    • Conceptual Clarification Questions
    • Probing assumptions
    • Probing rationale, reasons and evidence 
    • Questioning view pionts and perspective
    • Probe implications and concequences
    • Questions about the questions
  2.  Blooms Taxonomy

    • Remembering
    • Understanding
    • Applying
    • Analysing 
    • Evaluating
    • Creating
  3.  Kipling's Questions

    • What
    • Why
    • When
    • Where
    • Who
    • How

Role of teacher:

  1. to ask different level thinking questions
  2. is a model of critical thinking who respects students' view points, probes their understanding and shows genuine interest in their thinking
  3. teacher poses questions that are more meaningful than those a novice of a given topic might develop on his/her own
  4. teacher creates and sustain friendly  environment
  5. teacher is approachable

Role of students:

  1. participate when called upon
  2. answer questions carefully and clearly as possible
  3. address the whole class
  4. be precise as possible in the interest of maximizing classroom tome and effectiveness

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Today we had a short discussion on differences between inductive teaching and deductive teaching. It is as follows:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Seven Reflection Paper

Deductive Teaching Strategy:

Concept: deductive teaching strategy is the strategy in which principles or generalization are presented initially, followed by application or testing of these principles. It is also basically leading the students from unknown to known, abstract to concrete, or complex to simple.

  1. is a teacher centered approach where students are taken as blank slates.
  2. this strategy creates dependency in students limiting their thinking ability.
  3. this strategy is basically used to help students with learning disability to enhance their learning. 
  1.  Presentation of abstraction: Firstly the teacher presents all the concepts of the generalization or principles.
  2. Teacher illustrates with examples.
  3. Students give examples of concepts and apply them in new situations.
  4. Students restate the concept or definition that they had learned.
  1. less time consuming.
  2. different from rote learning as it is a strategy where logical interlinking of the elements is encouraged.
  3. most of the school materials/curriculum  can be easily taught through deductive strategy.
  4. this method involves all levels of questions.
  1. students are not actively involved in the beginning of the lesson.
  2. since it is a teacher centered approach, it may not be challenging for the brighter students.
Role of Teacher:
  1. provide guidance and scaffolding.
  2. teacher need to plan and prepare detail information including materials.
  3. since it is a teacher centered approach, most of the work is done by teacher.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sixth reflection paper

Today we did a recap session on the previous lesson and after that we had a group discussion on how to teach inductively any of the topics on English and Computer.

In English we decided to teach inductively on the topic Action Verb. The first thing we are going to do is show students some examples and non-examples of action verb. For example dog, cut, cat, jump, save, write, and flower. Then we will let the students to identify the patterns and the critical attributes of the given examples. For exam: 1(cut, jump, save, write), 2(cat, flower). After finishing the identification the patterns we will let the students to define action verb looking at the examples and after collecting the views, we will make one definite definition of action verb. Then we will let the students find more examples of action verb and make sentences using those examples.  

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fifth Reflection Paper

Purposes of Inductive teaching:

·         Allows the students to draw generalization or concept from a particular unit of study.
·         Allows the students to be a discoverer in the learning process.
·         It allows the students to apply generalization or concept to a new circumstance
·         Students gain investigative skills.
·         It is student-centered.

How does Inductive Teaching enhance long term memory in learners?

Since the learners explores the information themselves and they try to analysis the information they understand what really the data is conveying. So the students can retain the information for a longer period of time. It is known that "we hear, we forget; we see, we remember; and we do, we understand".

Four phases of Inductive teaching Strategy:
  1. Open-ended phase: Teacher shows the students some examples and non-examples of the concept of generalization. Then students are made to obverse and interpret the given examples and non-examples.\
  2. Convergent phase: prompt students to identify the patterns in the examples.
  3. Closure Phase: let students to come to the main concept.\
  4. The application phase: application of definition with additional examples (transfer of learning).

Scaffolding: Scaffolding is an instructional technique whereby the teacher models the desired learning strategy or task, then gradually shifts responsibility to the students.

Merits of Inductive teaching strategy:
  1.   involves observation; inference; classification and comparison.
  2.   used at all levels of studies.
  3. incorporates all the questioning technique.
  4. ensures greater interactions.
  5. motivates students to learn more.
  1. time consuming.
  2. minimum content coverage.
  3. needs verifications.
  4.  frustrating for low achievers.
  5. all content cannot be taught.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fourth Reflection Paper

Inductive Teaching Strategy

Inductive teaching is based on the claim that the knowledge is built primarily from learner's experience (self discovering) and interaction with the phenomena.

It is also kind of inquiry that calls for students to investigate rules, principles and generalizations which requires that students examine an array of models, finally concluding what law is operating within them.

There are two types of inductive teaching. They are guided and unguided. In guided inductive teaching the teacher gives the topic and certain hints (scaffolding) and in unguided inductive teaching  the teacher provides only the topic and just acts like a facilitator.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Third reflection paper

Today I learned the other way meaning of strategy, method and  skills in accordance with change. If we plan to change that is called strategy, how you do to in order to change it is called method, and the learned/possessed abilities to cope up with the way we do to change is called skills.

I also learned that teaching strategy is the plan that is designed to achieve or fulfill purposes of teaching. Teaching method is the particular way of teaching used to carry out strategies in a particular situations. Teaching skills is the learned abilities to teach. For example teaching strategy can be questioning strategy, the method can be what skill or ways you use to question, and the teaching skills can be directing, redirecting, pausing and reinforcing while questioning.

I also learned that the very reason for studying teaching strategy is to gain the attention of the students because every child learns in their own way so we have to plan them to teach in what way she/he learns.

Qualities of a good teacher

For me the teacher should be:
1. Punctual
2. Non bias
3. Approachable
4. Interactive
5. A good listener
6. Respects student's/others view
7. Available

Thursday, March 8, 2012


In today's class we had a discussion on difference between strategy, methods and skills. I came to know that strategy is the plan of action to teach, method is the way of doing and skill is the learned abilities to teach.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


On this day we did not started our regular classes as such but we discussed about being mindful and a part of life skill education. I came to know that through meditation we may be able to be mindful because when we meditate our mind comes to peace, so it helps us to be mindful about what we do and what we are.

The second thing that I learned about is life skill education where we need to review our thoughts and deeds in accordance with risky period of having sex. We have not yet started our life, so its important know the risky period while having sex. On other hand never indulge in such things.